Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sea Bird and Branches

"The sea bird and branches" by Hilary J. England
oil on canvas, 8" x 11"
The beginning of this year just seemed to fly by with a blur of trips and visits here and there -- Philadelphia, DC, New York ... this is both good and bad.  It's good because it's always nice to stay involved in things and visit with friends and family, but it's bad because it breaks my creative stride.  I need isolation and continuity when I am on a singularly creative path, and the last few weeks have been frustrating in that respect.

So, I decided to have some quiet time and revisit the happy places in my mind...the beach.  I thought back through the many beaches I have been to through the course of my life...I searched through old drawings, color studies, pictures, and notes.  I fixed upon this one thought -- I remembered a beautiful and fluffy looking egret sort of bird, sitting in the branches of some dead vegetation in the beautiful Caribbean sea when I was there years ago.  It was a quiet day, it wasn't hot, nor was it cold, but there was a very good breeze blowing, yet, this bird seemed very content and oblivious to all but the sun shining on its beak.  As you can dig by now -- I admire birds.  This one was no exception!

That's when I decided to tap into that nostalgic memory and paint this little painting.  It's funny how our experiences never leave us -- ever.  They can get filed away in the recesses of our mind, but one day, whether expressly called upon, or springing up unbidden -- they come back to color our lives.


P.S. -- the original oil is not for sale.  I decided last year that I will only be selling select oil paintings and keeping the originals for the time being.  But -- you can purchase a gorgeous museum-quality print through my website -- you get to choose the size, paper, framing, etc. and even see it on your own wall prior to purchase through my augmented reality function that allows you to see the finished product in your intended space -- so you know it's perfect!

Just pop on by:

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